This is an amazing, delicious, and healthier dish. My whole family enjoys it, and it is ready in less than 20 minutes! Sprinkle with extra Parmesan cheese...
An entire head of cauliflower roasted with butter, garlic, and herbs. Can convert cauliflower-avoiders into cauliflower-lovers! A beautiful and delicious...
I tried this cauliflower farro side at a cooking booth at my local farmer's market and headed home to reproduce it. It has since become one of my family's...
This pumpkin cake is absolutely delicious! I personally do not like the taste of pumpkin, but you would never know that it is in this moist, yummy, easy-to-make...
Eggplant pieces absorb the flavors to create a delicious tomato sauce served over ziti, complemented by cheese pita bread. You may easily coordinate the...
A creamy and smooth treat, this recipe is just the thing to soothe a craving for your favorite seasonal dessert until the holiday season comes again. Add...
This vegetarian and onion-free version of the dish turned out delicious. Even my cauliflower-hating wife loved it! Served with fresh cracked pepper brought...
Hot pasta with fresh veggies; the only thing my son would eat when watching his weight during wrestling season. For a "full" meal, add thinly sliced leftover...
If you like pumpkin pie and cheesecake, this is this best of both worlds. My mother made this once, many years ago and I have been making them ever since....
This is the veggie burger supreme - the easiest and MOST ECONOMICAL burger of all. A single medium-sized eggplant (together with the usual trimmings) feeds...
Use up that extra zucchini with this pasta-less dish. Experiment with spice combinations or use Parmesan cheese. Serve with more pecorino cheese and freshly...
This paleo recipe is so quick, easy, and delicious and really a great substitute for rice if you're trying to eat low-carb. Your whole family will love...
This is a simple and beautiful way to cook a whole cauliflower. These cauliflower steaks look beautiful on their own, and even better alongside a bit of...
These are rich and creamy bars that are my husband's favorite during the holiday season! He takes a batch along to all of his Christmas functions at work....
A hearty dish of roasted Brussels sprouts with all the delicious works: cranberries, roasted garlic, and prosciutto. Perfect for Thanksgiving or paired...
If you like spaghetti, you'll love this dish! An easy, no-hassle recipe that goes great with a tossed salad and garlic bread. Eat them right out of the...
I have been serving this blue ribbon pie for many years and no one who loves pumpkin pie goes home without asking for the recipe! It has all the flavors...
This is a great layer cake for lovers of orange, pumpkin, and poppy seeds. It's also easy to make and moist. Frost with a cream cheese icing to complement...
I invented this recipe and entered it into a contest held at my college. The texture is light as a cloud, though it is quite rich. It is prepared with...
My husband never liked pumpkin pie until he tasted mine. I don't know what makes mine so different but here is the recipe. White sugar may be used in place...
Yes, I made eggplant meatballs. If you know me, you know I love eggplant! I also love meatballs. Hence, I decided to make two of my favorites together,...